//=============================== // Kayako LiveResponse // Copyright (c) 2001-2010 // http://www.kayako.com // License: http://www.kayako.com/license.txt //=============================== var sessionid = "f219686e96dbbb76a9c1012d1a7bb600"; var country = ""; var countrycode = ""; var hasnotes = "0"; var campaignid = ""; var campaigntitle = ""; var isfirsttime = 1; var timer = 0; var imagefetch = 19; var image1; var updateurl = ""; var screenHeight = window.screen.availHeight; var screenWidth = window.screen.availWidth; var colorDepth = window.screen.colorDepth; var timeNow = new Date(); var referrer = escape(document.referrer); var windows, mac, linux; var ie, op, moz, misc, browsercode, browsername, browserversion, operatingsys; var dom, ienew, ie4, ie5, ie6, moz_rv, moz_rv_sub, ie5mac, ie5xwin, opnu, op4, op5, op6, op7, saf, konq; var appName, appVersion, userAgent; var appname = navigator.appName; var appVersion = navigator.appVersion; var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; var dombrowser = "default"; 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